About The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend
Cris Alexander Ellison is a young man whom, with great pride, overtly claims and supports the culture of Hip Hop.
Unknown to Cris is that he has a direct genealogical link to an ancient, prophetic Kemetic tribe of wizards that is said to have sown the seeds for the Hip Hop ideal some several thousand years ago.
As a result of this unique link to the past, Cris soon finds out that he is the anointed holder of an ancient mystical key; one that will release the current Hip Hop culture from its dwindling existence — and guide it back on the golden path of resurgence.
Fully accepting his noble destiny, Cris sets out to fulfill the prophecy — only to encounter a major tumbling block in Roger “Feedback” Cromwell and his Hip Hop for Destruction clan.
What follows next is a pulse-pounding race for survival as Cris tries to fulfill his date with destiny — and evade certain death at the hands of a ruthless enemy.
Like a master Hip Hop DJ on the wheels-of-steel, creator and author D.D. Turner masterfully mixes the beats of Hip-Hop culture, fantasy-fiction/sci-fi influence, and ancient African history in a page-turning novel about an extraordinary young man with an extraordinary destiny.
The Chronicles of a Hip Hop Legend – Cipher and The Lost Relic of Pangea’s Core (Book #2 - Releasing in 2015)
Visit www.chroniclesofahiphoplegend.com
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