As Vast Aire and Vordul Mega, collectively known as Cannibal Ox, prepare for the release of their highly-anticipated sophomore album Blade of the Ronin, Complex has premiered the album’s aptly-titled new single, “Blade: The Art of Ox.” This track immediately stands out due to renowned producer Black Milk's stellar and soulful production. Cannibal Ox is also joined by Artifacts (Tame One & El Da Sensei) as well as U-God (of Wu-Tang Clan) for this mammoth posse cut.
Tuesday, 24 February 2015
Cannibal Ox - Blade: The Art Of Ox (feat. Artifacts & U-God)(prod Black Milk)
As Vast Aire and Vordul Mega, collectively known as Cannibal Ox, prepare for the release of their highly-anticipated sophomore album Blade of the Ronin, Complex has premiered the album’s aptly-titled new single, “Blade: The Art of Ox.” This track immediately stands out due to renowned producer Black Milk's stellar and soulful production. Cannibal Ox is also joined by Artifacts (Tame One & El Da Sensei) as well as U-God (of Wu-Tang Clan) for this mammoth posse cut.