Better known for his word choice over classic boom bap sounds, on Doomsday Charades Pat Maine and Vividend create sound fit for a mind mosh pit. With heavy drums, beautiful strings and violent undertones the production carries Pat Maine's conceptual writing to a whole new level. Songs like the title track "Doomsday Charades" and "If You Build It" cling tight to the familiarity of the sound you may already know from Pat. While the first 3 tracks you hear on the album bring out a more iniquitous feel that might make you wanna punch someone just for the general purpose of doing so.
Beside a complete collaborative effort between MC and Producer, JNatural (bringing a beautiful hearty female attitude and vocal presence on "An Unnoticed Serenade") is one of several other collaborators aboard the Pat Maine rap train along with Sleep of The Chicharones, ECID and Pat's Alive+Well cohorts Dumb Luck, Burnell Washburn, Dusk and YZE . Camden Chamberlain is the co producer and engineer waiving his magic wand at the project. He has worked withGreat White and has had his own music published onThe Today Show, Americas Next Top Model, Real World and The Hills