Path of Light (produced by Layzee D) is a full length album by Venomous2000 TheUltraEmcee. Included with this album are the 18 tracks off the original album, photos of Venomous2000' European Tour 2012, 1 full length phone ready music video (Write/Right Travel) and remixes of the entire project by various producers from New Jersey, New York, & France.
Sunday, 25 November 2012
Video: Venomous2000 & Layzee D - Write/Right Travel ft. Chopzilla
Path of Light (produced by Layzee D) is a full length album by Venomous2000 TheUltraEmcee. Included with this album are the 18 tracks off the original album, photos of Venomous2000' European Tour 2012, 1 full length phone ready music video (Write/Right Travel) and remixes of the entire project by various producers from New Jersey, New York, & France.
Layzee D,
Path Of Light,
Write/Right Travel