I remember one day my partner GURU was arrested on Fulton Ave in Brooklyn late night while he was with Biggie and a few members of Junior Mafia while he was leaning on his Jaguar over an accidental fraud on his credit card, making him the guilty party of his own card without any proof.
The police officer said that one of us could watch his car and park it for him
so that it would not get impounded.
When they took Guru in, Biggie offered to watch his car while i went to the precinct to find out if he posted bail. BIG got in the drivers seat and just sat there staring at the dashboard as if he was lost and i asked him if there’s anything wrong. He said “Nah I’m aight. i just don’t know how to drive a car, but i wanted to see how it feels to sit behind the wheel of a Jag”.
We all laughed and one of the members of Junior Mafia moved the car and gave me the keys to give back to GURU.
Back at the precinct, the officer ran full check on Guru’s identity and he was free & clear of any wrongdoing and was released.
One of the most memorable days of great history amongst two great icons, fathers and human beings my life has ever come across… - DJ Premier